

The Phynx and Morgan Investment is part of Phoenix Investment Group LLC a general financial institution specialized in various aspects of finance management and investment. Registered in 2004, the company has ever since evolved into a leading power house in the financial management industry, adding various aspects of wealth creation and management to its ever-growing portfolio.

We offer services in financial advisory and management, investment banking, fund escrow services, stock broking, trading shares, forex and most recently cryptocurrencies. We are well groomed to meet your ever-expanding financial needs and are never afraid to evolve and adapt to our fast-paced digital world.

Forex Trading


Cryptocurrency Investments


Stock & Commodities Trading


Financial Consulting

Our registered office is situated at Peterborough Road, Harrow, Middlessex with satellite offices and trading centers scattered in various parts of the city.
The need to meet and satisfy our global coverage inspired us greatly in 2014, a year after our founding. It’s been a successful ride so far with our clientele covering over 50 countries across 6 continents.
The Phynx and Morgan Investment is a registered trademark under the UK company house.
In a world with so much uncertainty in financial management, wouldn’t you rather work with us?

Our Values